(703) 865-6343
421 Church Street NE, Suite D, Vienna, VA 22180

Open 10 AM - 5 PM      
Tuesday through Saturday     

Red Fox Yarns LLC | (703) 865-6343 | 421 Church Street NE, Suite D, Vienna, VA 22180 | Open (with restrictions) 10 AM - 5 PM Tuesday-Saturday

Classes & Workshops
Current classes are listed below.
We do not have sessions for children under the age of 13.
Red Fox Yarns must receive your payment in advance to reserve your spot in a class. Class registration fees are not refundable unless Red Fox Yarns cancels the class. We thank you for purchasing your class supplies (when applicable) at Red Fox Yarns!

Classes Starting in September
The Sweater Class (Knitting)

Sessions: Six
Time: Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dates: September 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23 and November 6
      Please note: there is a one-week break between the fifth and sixth sessions!
Level:Advanced beginner. Students must be able to knit, purl, cast on, bind off, increase and decrease.
Cost: $150.00
Maximum number of students: Four

Description:It's time to make a sweater, and make it fit! You’ll start with the basics – choosing the right yarn and needles, what gauge swatches you'll need and how to make adjustments to the gauge you get, and what body measurements you'll need. In the following sessions, as you knit your sweater, you'll cover setting in sleeves, different seaming techniques, making adjustments to your sweater as necessary, picking up stitches, and other skills that will make your sweater a success!

Materials: Please bring a copy of a printed-out sweater pattern you'd like to try. (You'll want to take notes on it!) The pattern should use worsted-weight or chunky yarn. The pattern should be knit in at least four pieces (front, back, sleeves) and have inset sleeves. Bring appropirately sized needles per the pattern.
Homework: None for the first session, but lots for the rest!

Please call the store to register!
The Sweater Class
Shawl Crochet

Sessions: Three
Time: Wednesdays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Dates: September 25, October 2 and 9

Level: Advanced beginner. You must be able to make chains, single and double crochets and read simple graphic patterns.
Cost: $90.00
Maximum number of students: Four

Description: Ready to try making something fancy? If there's a crochet shawl pattern you've been thinking about, now's the time. This three-session workshop will help you get yarn and a hook that will work for you and the pattern. You'll get started on counting your stitches accurately and reading more complex patterns.

Materials: Please bring a copy of a printed-out shawl pattern you'd like to try. (You'll want to take notes on it!) The pattern may use any weight yarn, however, you may wish to change it up a bit. Bring the weight of yarn and hook called for by the pattern to the first session. You’ll start with the basics – choosing the right yarn and hook for the effect you want; how to make adjustments to the gauge if necessary; and practicing any new stitch combinations you'll need. In the following sessions, as you crochet your shawl, you'll be able to get questions answered and work on skills that will make your fancy shawl a success!

Please call the store to register!
Shawl Crochet!
Knitting for Beginners

Sessions: Three
Choose from
Timeslot A: Fridays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dates: September 20, 27 and October 4
Timeslot B: Saturdays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Dates: September 21, 28 and October 5

Level: Beginner, no experience required!

Cost: $80.00
Maximum number of students per timeslot: Four

Description: Cast on, knit, purl.... What does it all mean? This class will teach you the basics of knitting and get you started on your first project!

Materials: Please bring note-taking supplies; needles and practice yarn will be provided.
Homework: None. There will be homework between sessions.

Please call the store to register!
Learn to Knit, it's Fun!!
Crochet for Beginners

Sessions: Three
Choose from
Timeslot A: Fridays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Dates: September 20, 27 and October 4, 2024
Timeslot B: Saturdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dates: September 21, 28 and October 5, 2024

Level: Beginner, no experience required!

Cost: $80.00
Maximum number of students per timeslot: Four

Description: Ch, sc, dc.... What does it all mean? This class will teach you the basics of crochet and get you started on your first project!

Materials: Please bring note-taking supplies; a crochet hook and practice yarn will be provided.
Homework: None.

Please call the store to register!
Learn to Crochet, it's Fun!!

Website and contents copyright Red Fox Yarns, LLC 2017-2022, unless otherwise stated. Please respect copyright!